Then, you found ExecuteNonQuery statement to use to run sql script. But we have some issue in here. It can run only one sql statement in each times, I mean if you use GO, it will false to run. OK, here is a simple way to solve it.
1: string script = File.ReadAllText(txtPath.Text);
2: var conn = new SqlConnection(txtConnectionString.Text);
3: var comm = new SqlCommand(string.Empty, conn);
4: conn.Open();
6: string[] commands = script.Split(new[] {Environment.NewLine + "GO" + Environment.NewLine},
7: StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
9: foreach (var command in commands)
10: {
11: comm.CommandText = command;
12: comm.ExecuteNonQuery();
13: }
15: conn.Close();
In this sample code txtPath.Text is path to your sql script file. And txtConnectionString.Text store you connection string. OK, this is easy to understand.
Hope you enjoy!